Some people decide that they should learn how to do one thing really well, and focus on that particular thing to hone their craft.

I am not one of those people.

Hi. I'm Zia, and the entire reason why I have a company called Test Chamber 17 is because I like to make things. All manner of things, from all sorts of ideas. Some work, some don't, some have literally caused fires. But in the end, I realised that my brand of making is much more experimental. Hence, Test Chamber 17. And while I do work on certain projects to hone those skills (dice making, circuit boards), often I'm just messing around with stuff to see what kind of artistic thing I come up with.

Feel free to explore the history of my creative endeavours. Some are physical objects in the real world. Others are online experiments I did just to see if I could. All of them were done with the intention of exploring and having fun, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them.